A daunting task - just a split second to bring them into your shop!
I'm going to spend some time this month going over my shop with a fine tooth comb and ask myself questions like these:
- Is my product something people want to buy? Or am I just having fun making it?
- Are my photos in focus? Are they bright enough for people to actually see what they are buying? Do I have a close up of the item so that you can really get up close and personal?
- Are my products Arranged in a pleasing, logical order with the items I'd like to sell most placed in the top several spots in the shop?
- Do my Shop Title and Shop Announcement contain the same words that reflect what people might put into a Google search bar when they are looking for your item? The search engines pick up on the first few words in the sentence, so if I say (like I did initially) "Welcome to my shop!", those search engines aren't going to send anybody my direction.
- Are the product tags the ones most people would choose when Searching for a product on Etsy?
- Spend some time looking around at other shops that carry similar product lines but focus on the shops that are making sells. What are people actually buying? And again, go back to Question 1 to see if you are selling anything people want to buy.

Click on the Store Front Logo above to hop on over to Blue Bird Sews to who else has linked up this month and gather some more ideas to improve your business.
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