After making this collage for the finale of A Lovely Year of Finishes, I was delighted to revisit some of these quilts I've made this year. And, putting them into a collage, it looks pretty sweet!
I only completed 6 months worth of goals this year, but I'm okay with that. It's probably five more than I would have completed without the Goal Setting motivation of ALYOF. I want to thank Melissa and Shanna for sponsoring this the past three years - THANK YOU! We look forward to seeing what else you fine ladies might have up your sleeves.
Here are the links to my finishes:
January: Goal and Finish
February: Goal and Finish
April: Goal and Finish
June: Goal and Finish
July: Goal and Finish
October: Goal and Finish
Well, shoot - guess I didn't link up my April finish. But I completed it anyway. Oh, well, time always seems to get in the way. I'm still glad that I got six goals completed so I could work on other projects. It's all good!
Happy New Year to everyone, and thanks again, Melissa and Shanna, for all your efforts.
Quilting with a smile,