
Monday, April 30, 2018

Turtle Baby Quilt Finished for April OMG

It's been quite a month for me! First my husband officially retired after 34 years with his company. We had a big celebration, and a fun time was had by all.

That was the first week of April. Then we got sick. I got the shingles and then I caught the flu. He has the flu crud, too. Not exactly how we wanted to begin our retired life, but we're on the mend now, so I'm playing catch up.

I did get my OMG April Goal finished, which is also on my list for the Second Quarter of the 2018 Finish Along! I had to quilt and bind this cute little Turtle Quilt. I really like the navy blue in it, along with the lime green. Perfect for a little boy!  I had fun doing all sorts of fun free motion quilting on it. Loops and swirls and curves and lines and curlicues. I tried hard not to over-quilt it. That's always a challenge......but it turned out nice and soft and should wash up just great!

I haven't had time to think what my May OMG will be. We will be busy moving parents into assisted living and selling their home, and then taking a much needed vacation. So I basically have one week to do any quilting. Maybe I'll skip May. Life takes priority often times.

Quilting with a smile,

Linking up with:
Linky Tuesday


  1. Sorry to read that you've been unwell and your husband too! I agree, May could probably be written off, you can recover even more and enjoy your holiday. I think you will be in need of some rest and recreation after moving parents, hope all goes well.

  2. Cute quilt! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  3. That sounds a little like our first year of retirement together, only ours involved surgery, for both of us! ;( Hope you both will recuperate fast so you can get on with the fun! Your quilt is adorable And a great finish!

  4. Oh my goodness, a retired husband under foot! Hopefully he has some hobbies of his own? :D Will you guys do a lot of traveling now that you're both retired?

  5. That's just the cutest quilt I've seen in a long time! Glad you are back on your feet. Good luck with everything you already have packed into May! Enjoy your vacation. Sounds like you will have earned it.

  6. What a darling quilt! I love the colors and your quilting. So whimsical! Where is Bellevue? I used to live in Montpelier, but am now in Salt Lake City.

  7. What a cute quilt! Yay on the finish! You are right, sometimes life takes priority. Sorry about the illness and shingles! I hope your May goes smoothly.

  8. That is a darling quilt. You did a great job on it including the quilting.

  9. Such an amazing quilt. Love the design that highlights the panel in the middle. And the quilting really is a feature in and of itself. What a great accomplishment.
    Sorry about the illnesses, especially the Shingles. My mother has had it 5 times, yes 5 times. The last version, she finally got the shot; it wasn't quite as painful. Hopefully, you did, too. I have heard such awful stories.

  10. Remember to schedule some time for fun in May!

    I hope both you and your hubby are feeling better :)

  11. Darling quilt! Isn't it fun to quilt lots of designs on those adorable panels? Glad you two are finally on the mend - what a month!

  12. Congratulations to your Hubby on his retirment, I hope when he gets over all the yuck he begins to enjoy his new found freedom. I think this quilt is just the best thing I have seen in ages and love the turtles. I am sure a little boy will love it. Good luck with all the moves and hope everything goes smoothly, hopefully the weather will co-operate. Hugs, Susie x

  13. Yay for getting your goal accomplished! I did not...still working on one of the two. The turtle quilt is precious! I don't think you can over-quilt a quilt! People say 'so they'll stay soft' but they do regardless, just some are more floppy and poofy! Not good on shingles - my mum had them BAD right after I got married in 1980, and my daughter started a couple of years ago when she was in university, but got them in time with the new treatment. Take care of you and the husband!

  14. COngrats on the retirement! and how adorable is this quilt!! I LOVE it!

  15. Hope you are all better! What absolutely gorgeous quilting. I'm so envious.

  16. Congratulations on retiring - not that you're going to notice a huge amount of empty time on your hands. =) It isn't that uncommon for people to retire and then be sick right away. I taught my last day of school, came home, left the house keys and a plant on the counter for the new owners, and my DH and I took off on our long-awaited full time RV living - we spent the night on the other side of town before heading for Texas, and I was sick for the next three days! I hear of it all the time. I guess the body lets down and says, "Okay, NOW I can be sick!" I hope you enjoyed your vacation after all the help you gave your parents.

  17. Such a cute quilt...and a way to start retirement! I hope that you are both all recovered by now. On behalf of the FAL crew, congrats on your finish and thanks for participating!


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