
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Drawing Is Not My Forte

A funny thing happened on the way to quilting this table runner:  I tried to draw the focal design first!

You decide:  Should I try to rely on my artistic pen and paper abilities to make a living? I strongly suggest you answer that question with a resounding "No!".

I admit, I didn't take much time sketching this out. I primarily wanted to get the flow of the lines down before I started stitching. 

This is how it turned out:

I've been aware, for many, many years, that my character doesn't like strict boundaries. I am not a good planner, even though I made my living as an event planner (go figure!). I like to do things spontaneously, spur of the moment. I'm a "Yes, let's" sorta girl.  And as I inspect the free motion quilting that I do, those characteristics come out front and center.

I do use rulers in my quilting. And I appreciate the need for stitch in the ditch. And I'd be lost trying to quilt a straight line through those squares without a straight-edged ruler.

But as you can see from my original sketch, and how it plays out in the center areas of these six blocks, each floral design is unique to its own development. I actually like to see the subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, differences in where the needle has touched each point on the blocks. It duplicates Nature! It creates character! It creates charm! It creates a finished quilt, lol!

I pieced these blocks a couple of years ago as part of the Sew Sweet Simplicity BOM with Jacquelynne Steves. She had enlisted the help of several quilters to come up with their own fabrics and unique take on these blocks.  It was fun to participate, and while I finished all the blocks on time, I didn't get them pieced together or quilted. Until now.

I'm glad to have finally finished this table topper so I can use it on my dining room table. Brings a little breath of Spring into our winter months. And it completes one of my goals for the 2018 First Quarter Finish-A-Long.

Quilting with a smile,

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  1. Very nice and beautiful quilting. I'm a bit like you. Just dive right in with a sketchy plan and go from there.

  2. Hahaha. Love it! very funny blog post and has given me courage to show the fails because they are pretty funny! (your quilting turned out beautiful)

  3. Beautiful topper and the quilting turned out great.

  4. I create the same way - if I had to depend on my drawings for quilt designs I would be out of business! Your topper is beautiful.

  5. Yeah, I draw/quilt the same way! I like the subtle differences between the shows a person did it, not a computer! I appreciate the skill involved in using a computerized system to do custom quilting, but I do like guiding my longarm around by myself, with lots of rulers!!!

  6. Great finish Barb. I am glad you got those blocks out and sewed them up. Your lovely quilting really finishes off the piece.

    For my own quilting, I just drop my needle and go. Which means I sometimes have to get out my seam ripper. I can see how having even a sketch helps :)

  7. Beautiful. My quilting is much better than my drawing too. That is the most important part though, right, the quilting?

  8. Oh that looks so pretty on your table!

  9. I would say drawing IS your forte. Drawing with thread that is. I bet you could do a pen or pencil drawing that looks as nice as your quilting if you really tried, but I can tell that you did this one in a hurry just to get the concept down. I really like this finish!

  10. I love your table topper and the quilting looks great! Congrats on finishing a UFO!

  11. A lovely table topper. And great quilting too! Thanks for sharing with 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  12. This is a beautiful piece and your quilting really suits its. You seem to have really captures the essence of the block, even if you don't feel you can do so in sketch form. I love the way the quilt and quilting have come together.

  13. Can I also add that I like the volume of quilting too... seems just right.

  14. It is lovely! I envy your talent!!

  15. Though you may not like it in pen form, it looks awesome with thread - well done!!

  16. I find sketching ahead of time "warms me up" for the quilting stage. It must work for you too as yours came out great!

  17. I think your quilting looks great on this piece. But I know we are our own worst critics.

  18. Drawing with thread on fabric is definitely your forte. Your approach rings very true to me although I really do need to give ruler work a try. Beautiful! On behalf of all our hosts congratulations and thank you for joining in the Finish-A-Long!


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