
Monday, April 3, 2017

Spring Brings Lofty Goals - 2017 Finish-A-Long 2nd Quarter

Our snow is melting! Our snow is melting! Such a great sight to see for our valley, but with the amount of snowpack that remains on the mountains, people are gearing up for some serious flood potential over the next two months.

Sashiko Pillow Top

So what better time than to set some quilting goals. And to help me do that, I'm joining the 2017 Finish-A-Long. That way, I'll have my goals down on paper and hopefully won't be distracted by this new project or that.

I have six lofty goals, but they should be achievable if I just keep at 'em!

1.  Make a pillow top out of my very first Sashiko project! (oops - from the photo, I see I missed a spot of stitching!)
2.  Quilt and bind a table runner
3.  Quilt and bind a baby quilt
4.  Do the hand stitching on my Diamond Quilt - also my April OMG
5.  Finish my llama quilt!
6.  Finish my quilt for the Hands2Help charity project

Diamond Quilt - April's OMG goal

Whew - that should be plenty, especially since June is only a half month for me because of summer activities!  Good to have a plan.

Quilting with a smile,

Linking up with:
Linky Tuesday
Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal - April Finish Link-up


  1. Look how far you got on your sashinko piece! It looks great. I know you can meet your goals!

  2. Love doing hand stitching. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  3. Isn't it funny how we see things in photos that aren't apparent when looking in person? Nobody would have noticed (two?) missing stitches in your cushion, but now that you've spotted them it's probably all you see! Our brains are so funny like that... At least it's an easy fix! My daughter once pointed out a rotated block in the middle of a king sized top after I had added the final border - gah! I had to deconstuct, fix, and reconstruct, all the while wondering HOW I could have missed that! (Still better than spotting it after quilting, tho!) Good luck with your goals!

  4. Good luck with working on your goals! You have plenty to keep you busy :-)

  5. Oh, I love the fabric and the quilting on the diamond quilt. Beautiful!

  6. Lovely plans for Qtr 2. Have fun stitching and thank you for linking up with FAL.

  7. The quilting is gorgeous! Love the rich colors.


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