
Monday, December 7, 2015

Snowman Table Runner, Hopefully Finished by Christmas

This is going to be the quickest blog post ever.  While I was cleaning out my closet, I found this great snowman table runner that I started about 5 years ago. I got to the point of putting on all the little, teeny, tiny eyes - and abruptly stopped. I couldn't find small enough buttons, so I got some blacks beads. I'll give that a try.


So my goal for December is to get all the snowmen's faces sewn on, and put on their happy little carrot noses.  I know that's not a finish, but realistically, I don't think I can get it quilted and bound by Dec. 31.  Why? My kids are coming home for Christmas (big smiles over here!!!), and my in-laws will be here (more big smiles), and mass confusion will abound (LOTS of big smiles). So that gives me only a week to do this.

Happy holidays, everyone!


  1. How darn cute! And so happy to hear that your children are coming. Dead-lines are good sometimes!

  2. It's darling right now! It will be even more darling after noses & eyes....Merry Christmas! Sounds like a house full!

  3. This is going to be so cute and fun! Good luck with your goal!


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