
Monday, October 5, 2015

October Goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes

I started out this post in a very negative fashion, realizing that I hadn't finished my August Goal for ALYOF. Shoot - I didn't even pick up that project and work on it!

All of that made me feel bad, to notice the shortcomings in my life. But then I did a swift kick to my brain, erased what I wrote, and restructured my thinking to "So what, Barb, if you didn't do what you intended. Life gets in the way. Deal with it, and move on."

So I am moving on to declare an October Goal for ALYOF. Go, me!

I've been rather slow on getting my triangle quilt together. I originally started it as part of the Sassy Quilter's Triangle Quilt Along in the spring of 2014. Oops. I really wanted to do a triangle quilt. Now I am!  I spent the weekend at a quilting retreat with some good friends and got a lot of progress on my version of a triangle quilt. 

So, with three weeks left in the month, I am going to set my goal as getting the quilt top finished and quilted.  I'm not going to go as far as to say I will get it bound by Oct. 31. Don't want to get too crazy! But I will have it quilted.

Whew - that feels good to set a goal, and aim to get it accomplished. 

Quilting with a smile,



  1. It looks like this will be a beauty

  2. Love the colors in your triangles! And kudos to you for stopping the negative thinking/writing in its tracks. Life DOES get in the way sometimes, and that's ok!

  3. Good luck! That is a pretty lofty goal! I hope you have time to accomplish what you are wanting to do. Looking forward to seeing the quilt.

  4. You can do it Barb! (And if you don't get it done put it on next month's list).

    My kitchen curtains have been on my Finish Along list for over a year and a half! That is a long time for a cut of fabric to sit right next to my sewing machine. (Now that has to make you feel better!)

  5. Well my friend---you are ahead of the game compared to me. I lost my drive in July! I am sure since you are acknowledging your goals you will be a winner! Great colors for your triangle project. I am routing for ya!

  6. Way to move on!!!! Triangles are a hefty project - but I love your progress! The colors are beautiful. Can't wait to see this one finished. xxoo

  7. Good for you and very pretty triangles! The hardest thing can be to reset our expectations. I keep this quote hanging in my quilt space: "If you do not change your direction, you may end up where your heading".

  8. Oh heavens don't be upset you didn't get your goal done in August......we all don't get our goals done. I can't get my daily goals done half the time! LOL! :) Just keep moving on!! :) Go girl go! :)

  9. I din't do ALYofF this year as I needed to stop being too hard on myself too. I love your color combination. PS....I still have your email and will look at the dates of that retreat soon. :)

  10. Good for you! Rewrite your story and move on. I think this one's a beauty, and I'm looking forward to your finish this month.

  11. Nice! I like your triangle quilt-that's one of my favorite classic quilt designs. Have fun with it :-)

  12. Love your attitude. I need to do that too; only I kick myself in the butt and the brain, ha. This triangle quilt is going to be a beauty, have one on my need-to-do list...


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