
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Treats and ALYOF Finish!

I did it! I completed my Triangle Quilt. I actually had it done almost two weeks ago, but with my busy work schedule this month, I am just not getting this post written. Just in the nick of time!

This was definitely a project that needed finishing! I started along in the spring of 2014 with The Sassy Quilter's Triangle Quiltalong. But starting was about as far as I got on it.  For about eight months I had the fabric starched and ironed and sitting in a pile in my sewing studio.  I'd move it from place to place because it was always in the way. What a pain!

One day I decided to cut out the triangles. That made the whole project much more Out-Of-My-Face. But it also made it Out-Of-My-Mind and I forgot about it.

So then the summer of 2015 came along.  I decided it was high time to tackle this project.  I had always wanted to do a triangle quilt, and I felt badly that I totally missed the mark with the QAL.  So I set it as my August goal for ALYOF.

But did I do then? Nope. Didn't touch it.  Oh, woe is me! Too much drama was going on with my Day Job, and so I basically put all my quilting and long arming on the back burner until things settled down. Doing two jobs at once is very taxing, especially when one of those jobs deals with tax accountants day in and day out! (Inside business humor there.)

So, when October came along, I decided to go for it again.  We had our guild's annual Quilt Retreat and so I took this as my project.  I'm proud to say, that I completely finished piecing it at the retreat. I brought it home, loaded it up, and got it quilted with a fun wavy edge-to-edge free motion design.  For the back I just pieced my leftovers.

Tah, dah! That was my goal. Maybe this month I'll get the binding on, but I'm not counting on it. I'm scheduled to do a Christmas Bazaar the first weekend in December, so I'm sewing like mad to get some new products sewn up to include in that show.

It's always something, isn't it? That's what makes life fun. 

So while we're speaking of October, I'll just throw in this fun photo I snapped when we were out golfing a couple of weeks ago. I can't take photos to really capture the true beauty of the area in which I live, but I always try.  This was the view we had as we teed off one of the fairways at the Elkhorn Golf Course. Just lovely.

And since it's Halloween, I'll wish you all a hauntingly good day! And with the clocks going back an hour tonight, just think! We'll have an extra hour to quilt tomorrow. Life is good.

Quilting with a smile,

Linking up to:  ALYOF
Sew Cute Tuesday
Linky Tuesday
Needle and Thread Thursday

Monday, October 5, 2015

October Goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes

I started out this post in a very negative fashion, realizing that I hadn't finished my August Goal for ALYOF. Shoot - I didn't even pick up that project and work on it!

All of that made me feel bad, to notice the shortcomings in my life. But then I did a swift kick to my brain, erased what I wrote, and restructured my thinking to "So what, Barb, if you didn't do what you intended. Life gets in the way. Deal with it, and move on."

So I am moving on to declare an October Goal for ALYOF. Go, me!

I've been rather slow on getting my triangle quilt together. I originally started it as part of the Sassy Quilter's Triangle Quilt Along in the spring of 2014. Oops. I really wanted to do a triangle quilt. Now I am!  I spent the weekend at a quilting retreat with some good friends and got a lot of progress on my version of a triangle quilt. 

So, with three weeks left in the month, I am going to set my goal as getting the quilt top finished and quilted.  I'm not going to go as far as to say I will get it bound by Oct. 31. Don't want to get too crazy! But I will have it quilted.

Whew - that feels good to set a goal, and aim to get it accomplished. 

Quilting with a smile,