
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July ALYOF Project

I'm running by the seat of my pants!  Here's my July project for ALYOF. I will get it quilted and bound. Yep, yep. I will!

Can't even get it to download right side up. Oh, well. I think it's Happy Hour . . . somewhere! 

Linking up with ALYOF

Quilting with a smile,


  1. You can do it Barb - I know you can! (It's pretty. Is this a newer project?)

  2. Yep - it's always 5:00 somewhere! You can do it!

  3. It's always a happy hour....when you're quilting! You can do it!!

  4. I feel like we are paddling in the same boat. Not being a big beer person--I discovered this the other night around 5 o'clock----Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy beer it is a wonderful summer beer with a hint of a citrusy taste. It will help while you are finsihing this top!


I always love to hear your thoughts!