
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blocks and More Blocks

I've been busy constructing blocks for the two Bees I'm participating in this year.  Having never paper pieced before, it is forcing me to do something out of my comfort zone. While I've discovered I like the finished look achieved from paper piecing, I can't fathom making an entire quilt from these types of blocks. It would take forever and a day for me!

This wild colored block is for my Hive in The Stash Bee.  I think when they all come together, it will make an awesome quilt!

This block for The Bee Hive is called Wanta Fanta, and is seriously understated as a stand alone block. But once all the blocks are put together, they form the coolest, swoopiest design ever!  Hard to visualize with just one block, but it definitely works.

May is my month to be Queen Bee for the Stash Bee.  I'm still working on my sample to decide block to use.  Decisions, decisions, decisions.  I must say, I am enjoying working on blocks for others. It's fun to go through my stash and pick out colors I think they will enjoy, and then having the practice to make blocks that I would never have done on my own accord.

Time to get back to the sewing room!  Have you participated in a Bee Swap before, or now? How did you like it?

Quilting with a smile,


  1. Your blocks look great! I haven't signed up for any bees yet - I am afraid I will fall in love with each block design and start a new quilt every month!

  2. Looking very nice. I am thinking on trying paper piecing also. Even have bought the paper for it and have a pattern, but haven't gotten as far as doing it. I like the idea of it and having perfect points so I do want to try it some day. I haven't done any bees before......don't think I have the time to do them. LOL! :)

  3. I love the first!! So colorful, never have done a bee, but I think it would be fun!

  4. Wow, they both look like they will make fantastic quilts once they get with their mates!
    I don't love paper piecing, mainly because of having to pull the paper out later. Aargh. I know there are products that can be left in the quilt. Might have to try some of those...but not today. Ha!
    I was smiling along with you when you described selecting colours to please. Thinking about the recipients adds magic to a quilt, doesn't it?

  5. Your blocks look wonderful Barb! I especially like the paper pieced ones. Is there a name for that block? And I agree the second one-it will interesting to see it all together. By the way Ronald's Flight is heading to Salt Lake on Monday!

  6. I have not joined a bee swap - I'm terrible with commitments! I LOVE your Wanta Fanta block - it will be a stunning quilt! And I always lean toward scrappy-ness on your other block - super fun.

  7. Love your bee blocks. I enjoy paper piecing.

  8. I love quilts where the individual blocks come together to make something snazzy and amazing. Can't wait to see the final quilt tops!

  9. What high energy blocks! Both quilts will be amazing.


I always love to hear your thoughts!