
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Second Quarter Goals for Finish-A-Long

Well, I feel good that I made two of my three goals I set for myself for the first quarter of the 2014 Finish-A-Long. They were big goals! Now to think about the next three months.

Since I have a lot of business travel and a vacation in the weeks ahead, I know I need to rein myself in on my goals. But what to do? What to do?

Okay - going to keep it small this time.

1.  Get the fabric cut out and top pieced for my niece's wedding quilt. If I get this done by end of June, I can get it quilted and bound by end of July and I'll be in good shape for her August wedding.

2.  My only brother just found out he has lung cancer. So I think I will set everything else aside and make him that quilt that has his name on it. This diagnosis came from left field and is leaving us all a little stunned, so it will be good to focus my energies on this project.

3. And on the slight chance I have more time, I want to get my Charm Pack Cherry Quilt quilted and bound. The top is already together and deserves to be finished.

That's it. My goals. Except I'm going to reverse the order and do my brother's quilt first. I don't want to show the fabrics for these since they are gifts and especially for my brother, I want it to be a surprise.

Remembering to smile as I quilt,

Linking up with The Littlest Thistle's Second Quarter FAL


  1. What cheerful colors - love them! :)

  2. So sad to hear about your brother. Here's hoping they caught it early and can get it out of there. Your quilts are always sew pretty!

  3. So sorry about your brother. I am sending a big hug your way! I know you will make him something amazing and full of love.

  4. So sorry to hear about your brother. He will be fine. I will keep him in my prayers. Keep that sewing machine going. :)

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your brother - there will be a lot of love quilted in that quilt for him. He will be in my prayers. I love your little charm pack quilt - pattern???

  6. Oh I am so sorry to hear the news of your brother! My thought and Prayers are being sent your way. There always seems to be sense of clarity when we set goals and we can see that we also need to be flexible when news changes everything!

  7. Oh, Barb, what shocking news. May working on your brother's quilt bring you as much comfort as it will him when he receives it. Your brother will need the love you send to keep him strong in the fight he has ahead of him. You are (both) in my thoughts.


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