
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Poinsettias, Spiders and a Winner!

Mr. Random Generator has done his thing, and #13 is the lucky winner today!  I'm happy to announce the winner of Quilting A Circle of Nine:  Laurette, who said, "Congratulations my friend. I would love a copy of your book."

Thank you to all who entered.  If you didn't win, I'd certainly recommend getting a copy of this book. The Circle of Nine concept can be applied over and over during your quilting career and is a valuable asset.

And for a little eye candy, here is a photo of a simple Christmas table runner I made up for my Etsy shop.  I found this wonderful fabric and quilted it with a poinsettia design. The back almost looks better than the front!!

And here's the backside.

 And, just to see who is reading through to the end, here is a photo of a little guy (well, he didn't seem so little when he was peering in the window at me) who decided to drop by for a visit this weekend.  My husband thought he was a Black Widow, but couldn't get close enough to tell before the spider met his untimely death.  Regardless, we're getting the house sprayed for spiders next week. 

Quilt with a smile,


  1. The quilting is fantastic! Love it.

  2. Congratulations to Laurette on her win, and I lvoe the quilt, not the spider.

  3. WOOHOO. Lucky number 13! Your creepy spider is similar to my creepy spider. My spider was HAIRY, SCARY, and totally unexpected hanging out on the 7th floor window. I LOVE your pointsettia tablerunner. Beautiful job.

  4. I don't blame you! I would want my house sprayed for spiders too! Lovely quilting!

  5. Congrats to Laurette!! Hey just think of the spider as a Halloween decoration! :)

  6. Thank you for the beautiful book. I can see a lot of projects coming from it. Laurette


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