
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Gone Quilting - YES!

I've been working non-stop on my Day Job the past few weeks, and have been chomping at the bit to get back into my sewing studio. Well, friends, I'm so happy to report that today is the day!

Yep, I've Gone Quilting!  Thanks to our blogging friend SewCalGal, she put up a variety of these fun fall-themed designs for us to use.  Fall is my time of year, and since we've had snow yesterday and wind and rain and just plain storminess, I'm taking the day off and going to quilt! I have a beautiful hand-appliqued quilt that I am working on for a friend, and I want to get it finished by tomorrow.

What are your sewing plans for this week?


  1. Good for you! Wish I could bring over an applique project and join you!

  2. Have fun and hope you get it finished on time . I can't believe you had snow already , yikes that is not good.

  3. SNOW! Can not even imagine! Always has been something special about fall. Maybe everything having a golden color, sweater weather, sound of football games and the smell of crock pot cooking. Well maybe long-johns & hot chocolate in your case! Either way enjoy your day stitching away.

  4. Snow already!! We haven't even had snow up north here yet! I am sewing up a storm trying to get ready for the local Christmas shows. Lots of quilted item. :)


I always love to hear your thoughts!