
Friday, April 20, 2012

Zakka Pincushion

I closed up shop early today so I could do something just for myself - make a Zakka Pincushion!  It's part of the Zakka Sew Along hosted by Lindsey over at LR Stitched.

It was great fun to go through my stash and pick and choose for a small project like this. And then, to top it all off, I got to finally do something with the ric rac and cute owl ribbon I've had sitting in a drawer for the longest time.

I didn't have any linen fabric as the instructions called for, so I winged it.  The back side has a fun little turquoise green button that looks like a flower. I forgot to take a photo of the backside, so you'll just have to imagine what it looks like.

Need a quick, easy, fun project for the weekend?  Instructions are in the book Zakka Style compiled by  Rashida Coleman-Hale.  And it goes together in a snap! 

And guess what? There are prizes!  Have you ever seen so many giveaways as out here in quilting blogland? It's all fun.  This week the prize is a fat quarter bundle of Monsterz fabric from Cloud 9 Fabrics, which is so cool.  If you haven't seen this fabric collection, check it out - it's nothing but fun!  Just link up at LR Stitched.

Our weather is finally NICE!  I think I'll barbecue something tonight - a tasty salmon perhaps??? 



  1. That is sooo creative, I love the fabric you used for the pincushion. I will head on over to Zakka Sew Along to see what is going on.

  2. What a sweet little pincushion! I love your color choice.

  3. This is really cute! Glad you took sometime for yourself and yes salmon sounds good to me. :)

  4. I love pincushions! I have a few on my site that I made some using teacups. I just started my site and I love to sew and crafty. I'm giving away a Tooth Fairy Pillow on Wed. come on over and join me. Anyone else that would like to join come on over:)

  5. Your version is so cute! I love the script fabric print, and especially the way you layered the ricrac and the ribbon. Charming!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog! This is such a cute little cushion. The owl ribbon cracks me up! Very creative.

  7. What a cute project! I love making small items that you can actually finish. Yours is so adorable with that cute ribbon. We bloggers sure know how to have fun!!


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