
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Quilt Bloggers Unite!

It was so refreshing to read Marcia's blog today at Crafty Sewing  & Quilting.  She wrote about her blog that she began in January 2011.

She said she felt like she kept writing and blogging and posting and felt like no one was reading. But she kept sharing and learning and having fun with it, and now she has a regular group of followers who look forward to her posts (me included!)

And bless her heart, she believes there may be others like her out here - new bloggers that are testing the waters and just not giving up.  To help them out, she has started a New Blogger Linky Party, and you can join in!

If you are a blogger with less than 50 followers, just link up your blog and join the fun. Who knows, maybe we'll get some new followers, meet new people, and share this love of quilting that we have.

See you over there!


  1. Barb,
    Thanks for linking up your quilt blog and thanks for such a nice post about it! That is what it is all about -- sharing!
    Enjoy your day!

  2. I feel the same way... I have very few followers and I just started in January :) Well, you have a new follower ;)

  3. Being new to blogging, I am not sure how to link up. Could you please tell me how.

  4. Just starting following you! I'm also a small blog and joined the Linky Party! This is great for us smaller blogs! Hope we get lots more exposure and followers!

  5. I started following a lot of quilters after seeing the blogs about all the quilt hops. It made me want to start my own blos also. Now I have 3 followers. Hopefully we soon have a list of people following us to like Marcia did!


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