
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Peach Cobbler

It's snowing here this week, and just doesn't feel like spring, so I baked up this little peach cobbler last night and it was delicious!  If you are on a diet, this isn't a great choice - but oh, my goodness, is it GREAT!  Sorry no photo - we ate it too quickly.

Peach Cobbler

1/2 cup butter
1 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup milk
4 cups sweetened or 1 quart peaches, juice and all (I use a 29-ounce can of sliced peaches)

Melt butter in 8x10 inch pan. Mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder together in large bowl. Stir in milk and blend until smooth. Pour batter over butter - do not mix or stir!  Spread fruit on top of batter - do not mix or stir! 

Bake 40 minutes at 375 degrees.  When baked, the cake will rise to the top. Excellent served warm with a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream.

Here's a photo of the snow at Galena Lodge further upstream from us. Lots of snow for March 13!


  1. I'm sad sniff, photo! Lol. Don't worry, I bake this one often...isn't it the best! Hope you enjoyed it! Don't think I'm crazy but, I love this can tell I live in the south, huh? Hugs

  2. I guess the NW is the only states having a more normal winter or is this unusual for your area?
    Peach cobbler sounds wonderful right now! Did you save some for us?

  3. You definitely have SNOW! Wow! I love peach cobbler, I may have to try this out :)

  4. Love the cobbler recipe, but you can keep the snow :)

  5. Love the photos of the snow. No snow where I live Queensland Australia. The Peach Cobbler sounds yummy.


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