
Monday, May 14, 2018

Lewe The Ewe Baby Quilt

Baby quilts just seem to be my thing lately! Something must be in the air, because I am just drawn to making them!

My latest baby quilt was this cute quilt made with a center panel of cute little lambs from the SusyBee collection. I may, or may not, have gotten carried away with the FMQ on this one! You know, when you're on a roll, you just go for it!

I'm a member of Quiltsy, a team of quilters on Etsy who have shops featuring our favorite quilted wares. The team is just finishing up a Challenge to create a baby quilt with the sheep/balloon focal fabric.

There were many entries, and all of them were different. It was so fun to see how creative the other quilters were in developing their own ideas about this challenge quilt.

You can see more of the challengers' quilts on my Pinterest board, Lewe The Ewe Quilt Challenge.

Quilting with a smile,