
Monday, February 27, 2012

A New Award

A big thanks to HomeSpunLoft who presented me a Versatile Blogger Award.    How fun!

My job now is to share 7 things with you all, that you may or may not know about me,  and then find 15 other bloggers who also deserve this award and pass it on to them.   Finding deserving bloggers isn't hard, but coming up with seven things? Let me see.......thinking, thinking, thinking.  Here goes:
  1.  Judging from my dubious beginnings as a newbie sewer in the early days of my marriage, one could hardly believe I enjoy it so much now!  The only time my husband has ever heard me scream (aside from finding snakes) is when I would get so frustrated with my sewing machine that I'd just belt out a good one! 
  2.  I live in the mountains of south-central Idaho and really don't want to live anywhere else. 
  3.  I do my best housecleaning when I put the soundtrack of Camelot on and crank up the volume.  Just think, "Camelot!" 
  4. I love to golf and made an Eagle once. Long, long time ago.
  5. I look forward to each spring when a good friend and I tromp around the river bottoms to collect Morel mushrooms. 
  6.  My new love affair is with fabric and design - there are so many gorgeous choices out there, but so little money and too little time. 
  7.  I love puppy dogs! And love to take mine when we hike to some of the wilderness lakes nearby.
The blogs that I am passing  the torch to and nominating for this award are ones that I like to follow, and some are from my QQQ Etsy Team.  If you haven't heard them, it's worth your time to take a peek. There is so much to learn about quilting, and so many talented people out there with ideas to share.  Enjoy!  Don't Call Me Betsy  Fresh Lemons Quilts   Quilting By The River  Till We Quilt Again